CHEM 215HH W13 SSG 5.9 - Lawrence Chen, Kelly Compton, & Kelsey McKinney

About Us

Kelly Compton is from Peachtree City, Georgia. She is potentially majoring in Biochemistry in hopes of attending medical school at either Columbia or the University of Michigan and plans to be a future surgeon. Kelly enjoys playing the violin; spending time with friends; and watching Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and Grey’s Anatomy.
Lawrence Chen, originally from Mount Pleasant, Michigan, is a freshman at UM with an undeclared major and intends to pursue an M.D./Ph.D which he would use to practice, research and teach. Lawrence’s hobbies include playing piano, cycling, and photography.

Kelsey McKinney is a freshman from Grand Rapids, Michigan, currently working toward a double major in Nursing and BCN in hopes of attending medical school in the future. In her spare time, Kelsey engages in activities such as reading, running, and talking with friends. 

We would like to take this time to acknowledge someone who has been very influential in our lives since the very start of our time at University of Michigan: Nick Carducci.  Nick, we cannot thank you enough for all that you have taught us during our first two semesters of college.  You always knew how to calm everyone down by joking around or convincing us that everything would be okay, no matter how close the entire class got to having a legitimate panic attack.  You went above and beyond to make sure that we felt prepared for each exam, and we really appreciate you dedicating such a significant amount of your time to helping us understand every concept.  We also want to thank you for never hesitating to offer your thoughts on our classes, potential majors, and future careers.  We will truly miss you and your unique humor that we honestly did not detect for quite a while (we are still bitter about the fact that the Hall of Fame does not actually exist...).  Thank you for always going above and beyond what was expected of you as an SSG leader - we will never forget it!  We will miss you dearly, and we wish you luck in your future endeavors as a scientist/doctor/whatever you choose to be.


Lawrence C., Kelly C., and Kelsey M.